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The Benefits of using Spotify

The music streaming service Spotify has rapidly moved to the forefront of the music streaming industry, and companies are taking advantage of Spotify’s reach to interact directly and advertise toward its one hundred and forty million users.

While sixty million Spotify users listen by paying for a premium, ad-free account, there is currently an open market of eighty million subscribers who regularly experience advertisements between their favorite tunes.

Here are Create Build Optimize we can help you get in front of the huge pool of Spotify users.

Market Research

Your audience listens in real-time moments throughout the day. Learn how they stream on Spotify, and how to connect with them in the right context.


Bring your brand to life with captivating audio, video, and display ad formats.


Create an ad type that converts best for your business. Audio, Podcasts, Video, or Display to generate traffic to an offer that is being created.


Put our streaming intelligence to work for your brand. Our suite of measurement products can help you quantify the true impact of your messaging.

How to get started posting a billboard 

The next steps to scaling your company

Are you interested in advertising with Spotify? Here at Create Build Optimize we assist you with creating building and optimizing your Spotify campaigns to further the growth of your business. Be sure to schedule an audited appointment below. 

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