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Facebook/Instagram Advertising

What is Facebook/Instagram Advertising?

The benefits of using Facebook/Instagram

Facebook and Instagram are the daily platforms connecting us with photos, news, and friends & family.

Most importantly, they feed us with the latest activities in our friend’s and families’ lives, but it also provides us with the tools needed for these interactions and ideas.

Facebook has 1.4 billion monthly active users with 655 million of them on mobile and Instagram has 75 million daily users with 47% of the users accessing the app on mobile.

They’re both popular platforms that your company or business depends on … but you find yourself wondering why your Instagram reaches a better audience than your Facebook page, or how you’ve reached an audience that was not interested in your product or service with Instagram ads.

We explore Facebook and Instagram and dissect the best features and how they work for social media advertisements. Both platforms give your business or product an opportunity to connect with the viewer in different ways.

Since Facebook owns Instagram, they both have very similar capabilities when it comes to advertising. When advertising for your company, you’re in luck because both platforms give you the chance to take advantage of using their ads…here are the three features you can use Facebook and Instagram in advertising: targeting, carousel ads, and algorithms.

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Advertising Creation Process


Your audience listens in real-time moments throughout the day. Learn how they stream on Spotify, and how to connect with them in the right context.

Tell your brand's story

Bring your brand to life with captivating audio, video, and display ad formats.

Create Ad Type

Create an ad type that converts best for your business. Audio, Podcasts, Video, or Display to generate traffic to an offer that is being created.

Measure your results

Put our streaming intelligence to work for your brand. Our suite of measurement products can help you quantify the true impact of your messaging.

How to get started on Spotify with Create Build Optimize 

The next steps to scaling your company

Are you interested in advertising with Spotify? Here at Create Build Optimize we assist you with creating building and optimizing your Spotify campaigns to further the growth of your business. Be sure to schedule an audited appointment below. 

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